In recent times, men have been taking more and more care of their external appearance. In addition to the general preoccupation with image in our modern society, a desire to look healthy, youthful and beautiful is associated with self-esteem and social success. Aesthetic medicine offers various body treatments for men, which, although usually very similar to those performed on women, must always be adapted to men’s particular anatomy and physiology.

Undoubtedly, one of the first and most widely used male body aesthetics treatments is laser hair removal. It is a straightforward and definitive way of removing hair from any body part.

However, more and more men are going one step further to be the best version of themselves. They are opting for treatments that help them eliminate the accumulated fat in specific body areas, combat flaccidity and celluliteeradicate excess weight and sculpt their body.

Calcium hydroxyapatite

Calcium hydroxyapatite is a biocompatible filler composed of calcium hydroxyapatite microparticles suspended in an aqueous gel. When injected into the body, they stimulate the creation of new collagen, making the skin look younger and more natural and plumping up areas that have lost volume. The results are natural, and as a substance compatible with the body is injected, there is virtually no risk of allergic reactions or side effects. Over time, the injected substances degrade and metabolise naturally. The results last up to 2 years. Although its most common use is as a facial treatment to redefine and rejuvenate facial features, enhancing, for example, the chin to make it look more masculine, calcium hydroxyapatite is also used as a filler for other parts of the body, such as the pectorals or buttocks.



Tension threads are one of the most popular treatments for men because they can effectively combat sagging and prevent or minimise skin firmness loss. They can be used alone or in combination with other treatments. This is a facelift that produces almost immediate effects. Tension threads, also called “magic threads”, were used for years as suture material in various surgeries. Later, it was discovered that they are also highly effective in combating flaccidity in areas such as the abdomen, arms or neck. By inserting these tension threads into the skin, we generate fibrosis around them that produces a natural self-lifting effect, as natural collagen threads are spontaneously generated in the skin. The threads guide the collagen to the areas where we are interested in combating flaccidity.

After treatment, the threads are naturally reabsorbed by the body within a short time. Combining this treatment with others that stimulate new collagen formation is interesting to enhance and maintain the results over time. The duration of the treatment depends on the skin, age, the area to be treated, its state of sagging, and the particular response of each patient. A further application may be necessary a few months after the first application to reinforce the effect. It is a non-invasive and non-aggressive treatment for the body that achieves excellent results and does not produce rejection or allergies.


Body mesotherapy

Body mesotherapy is an aesthetic medicine treatment that applies very active substances in the skin through microinjections that stimulate the organism. It is widely used to eliminate cellulite and localized fatreduce body volume, reduce flaccidity and fluid retention and redefine the silhouette. It is applied through subcutaneous or intradermal microinjections that allow us to infiltrate different products as close as possible to the tissue to be treated. This eliminates the adipocytes in the application area and restructures the collagen fibres, achieving a draining and firming effect on the skin.

It is a painless, simple, fast and very effective treatment that can be applied to legs, arms, buttocks, abdomen, neck and other body parts.
