Bulking down should not be confused with weight loss, as bulking down does not necessarily mean weight loss. This is because fat takes up much more space than muscle but weighs less, so you can lose fat and bulk without necessarily losing weight. Volume loss is achieved by eliminating accumulated fat, fluids, toxins, and free radicals.


An unbalanced diet and high salt intake usually cause fluid and fat retention. Lack of physical exercise and sedentary lifestyle contribute significantly to hormonal imbalances, such as those produced during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause. Stress or circulation problems also favour the accumulation of fats and liquids.

It should not be forgotten that excess weight and body volume produce other associated problems, such as the appearance of cellulite , circulation problems and fluid retention.

Reducing tummy volume is often one of the main goals of patients who visit an aesthetic centre. Another of the most frequent concerns is reducing the leg volume. Other areas where volume reduction is commonly sought are the jowls, buttocks and arms.


A healthy lifestyle is essential for losing body volume. This involves eating a balanced diet and consuming fibre-rich foods like fruit, vegetables, pulses and wholegrain cereals to regulate intestinal transit. Salt in foods such as sausages and pre-cooked foods causes fluid retention, so salt consumption should be reduced as much as possible. Saturated fats, which slow down the metabolism, should also be avoided. Be aware that “miracle” diets, which reduce weight or volume quickly, are often accompanied by the dreaded rebound effect. In other words, you can recover what you have lost in record time.

In addition, regular physical exercise should be undertaken, especially cardiovascular exercise, as this is the most effective way to lose volume. Specific exercises in the areas of the body where we want to reduce volume tone the muscle and, therefore, improve the area’s appearance, but they do not necessarily imply that we will achieve a reduction in volume or localised fat there.

As a leading aesthetic centre in the Balearic Islands, Eiviestetic offers various treatments to achieve a few centimetres of contour reduction in the areas where fat accumulates, mainly the abdomenarmsthighs and love handles. After thoroughly assessing your problem and providing an individualised diagnosis, we offer you the best and most advanced technology to achieve the best results.


Body mesotherapy works by applying microinjections into the skin that stimulate metabolism and redefine the silhouette. We use microinjections to apply a combination of substances to the skin that promote the destruction of fat and stimulate the lymphatic system. Accumulated fat is eliminated, body volume is reduced, and skin becomes smoother, hydrated, and more even.



Cyclone is a revolutionary aesthetic body treatment that combines several innovative techniques and can completely remodel the silhouette. It works by combining cavitation, radiofrequency and HIFU ultrasound. Combining various proven techniques in a single device multiplies the effectiveness of the results, reducing, shaping, firming and slimming the silhouette. No post-treatment care is required, and no discomfort or side effects exist.

flacidez corporal


Another novel treatment to reduce the volume of the tummy or any other body area is Vanquish, one of the best alternatives to liposuction. Using SCR (Selective Contactless Radiofrequency) technology, Vanquish eliminates fat from the abdomen, buttocks, legs and arms for good. It is a non-invasive treatment that destroys adipocytes without damaging nearby tissues. It works using a selective radiofrequency that only works on fat. There is no discomfort or side effects.


Shock waves

Shockwave therapy is an excellent aesthetic treatment to reshape the silhouette. It is a very effective and minimally invasive technique that applies acoustic waves with a high peak transmitted through vibrations. This promotes circulation and lymphatic drainage in the application area, stimulating the elimination of accumulated fat, reducing excess body volume, and rejuvenating the skin.

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