Acne affects more than 80% of the population at some point in their lives, especially during adolescence. Fortunately, numerous treatments for acne in aesthetic medicine minimise the marks and after-effects of acne.


Acne is a skin condition caused by folliculitis, i.e. an inflammation and subsequent infection of the follicular pores, which become clogged by an excess of oil produced by the sebaceous glands. When they become clogged, they facilitate the proliferation of bacteria that cause an infection and an inflammatory process that leads to the formation of characteristic and annoying pimples on the skin.
Many reasons influence the appearance of acne. However, hormonal changes, such as those that occur during adolescence, pregnancy or menopause, or the use of certain medications and contraceptives, are decisive. Oily creams and make-up, stress or excessive sweating can also cause it.


At Eiviestetic, we have various treatments to cure acne, avoiding the formation of new pimples and blackheads and eliminating the marks and scars it can generate. It is essential to assess each patient individually when deciding which facial treatment to choose. To combat acne, various cosmetic methods are used to oxygenate the skin. If a skin infection is present, antibiotics are also necessary.

Acne Treatments

In Eiviestetic we have several treatments to cure any type of acne, avoiding the formation of new pimples and blackheads and eliminating the marks and scars that may generate. It is very important to make an individual assessment of each patient when deciding on one or another facial treatment. To combat acne, various aesthetic methods are used to oxygenate the skin. If there is a skin infection, it will also be necessary to apply antibiotics.

Facial mesotherapy

This facial aesthetic medicine treatment improves the quality of the skin in all aspects, including damage caused by acne. It is a simple, economical, safe and effective system that applies microinjections based on vitamins, hyaluronic acid, amino acids, organic silicon, trace elements or antioxidants.

tratamientos acne

Platelet growth factors

Platelet growth factors or PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) are natural, safe and highly effective. The treatment involves drawing blood from the patient’s body, which is then centrifuged to obtain platelet-rich plasma injected into the face. It achieves a repairing and rejuvenating effect on the face by stimulating skin cell regeneration, increasing the formation of new blood vessels and capillaries and creating new tissue. For this reason, it is ideal for eliminating or reducing annoying acne marks and scars.


Facial peeling

An excellent alternative to combat acne is facial peeling. It consists of applying a substance to the face that accelerates the natural exfoliation of the skin. By eliminating dead cells and the most superficial layers of the skin, skin alterations such as acne are eliminated and the generation of collagen and new tissue is stimulated. It also has an antiseptic effect on the sebaceous glands, controlling oil regulation and cleansing the skin of impurities.


Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is highly effective in removing scars, including acne scars. It is a natural substance that works by filling in the cracks in the skin, restoring its uniform appearance. It is also very effective at retaining water, so it hydrates and regenerates tissues. When hyaluronic acid is injected, it activates the production of collagen in the marks or scars on the skin, causing them to fade and the skin to look healthy, soft, smooth and smooth again. No adverse reactions or side effects.


Diamond-tipped microdermabrasion is a cosmetic treatment that removes dead skin cells and other impurities from the skin. It is a painless, non-invasive and very safe system for eliminating scars. It also improves circulation in the application area, increasing blood flow and lymphatic drainage. Thus, more oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the cells, cell functions are activated and more efficient, and collagen and elastin production is stimulated. Microdermabrasion is particularly effective in removing blackheads, thanks to its exfoliating and impurity-sucking effect. It also reduces the size of skin pores. It is an aesthetic medicine treatment suitable for all skin types.



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