Neck Fat Removal in ibiza

Remove neck fat without surgery!

Fat in the neck is caused by a loss of elasticity in the chin area, leading to skin sagging. Also known as a double chin or double chin, it is one of the most common problems that show the passage of time and one of the main reasons for visiting a cosmetic medicine centre.

Although a double chin can appear at any age, the passage of time, poor eating habits, lack of exercise, being overweight, prolonged exposure to the sun or even a certain genetic predisposition can accentuate or accelerate its appearance.


To delay its onset, it is essential to incorporate certain healthy habits. Skin care is essential to keep the area smooth, so moisturiser should be applied daily, and exfoliations should be performed regularly. In addition, it is important to take care of the posture of the head, especially when reading, sleeping or talking on the phone and looking at the tablet.

We tend to lower our heads instead of placing the device at face level and looking at it from the front, as is recommended. It is also advisable to always apply sun cream and take care of your diet, eating plenty of fruit and vegetables. By integrating them into our daily routine, various exercises can help us combat their appearance.

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Treatments to eliminate neck fat

There are various treatments to remove fat from the neck. At Eiviestetic, we have the latest innovations in aesthetics to obtain the best results. Some facial treatments, such as radiofrequency, promote collagen production in the skin so that it regains its firmness. Others, such as mesotherapy, achieve a tightening and firming effect by applying hyaluronic acid.

Of course, the most traditional method is to perform a neck lift. This widespread cosmetic surgery operation corrects the sagging of neck tissue. Incisions are made at the back of the ear to reposition and tighten the skin of the skin. The duration of the procedure and the results depend on each case, with the quality of the skin and the patient’s bone structure paramount. Some bruising may occur, which will be reabsorbed shortly after the operation or may even drain.



There are several innovative techniques to remove or reduce double chin without surgery. At Eiviestetic, we have the innovative Belkyra treatment created by Allergon. It is the only injectable, non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment capable of eliminating double chin fat and flaccidity.

The treatment works by applying microinjections of a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, similar to natural acid, which dissolves fat cells in contact with the subcutaneous area.


It is an ideal treatment for women and men of any age. However, before starting the injections at Eiviestetic, we assess the amount of existing fat, where it is located and how deep it is. It is also important to rule out that the patient may be allergic to the product or hypersensitive to any components. It is also not recommended in case of skin infection in the area. Lastly, for the product to be effective, it must be borne in mind that the double chin must be made of fat and not skin.

The sessions last about 30 minutes, and with only 2 or 3 sessions, excellent results are achieved in redefining the chin. Although certain precautions are required due to the area’s delicacy, it is an entirely safe treatment, as the needles only go deep into the fatty area.

The applications are painless and do not require any anaesthesia or prior preparation. The results can be seen very quickly. After eliminating localised fat in the chin area, the chin is remodelled, and the area is firmer and brighter. After the treatment, the fat is eliminated through the liver and lymphatic channels. After treatment, some swelling or slight bruising may occur in the area of application, which will disappear spontaneously after a short time.

Unlike other treatments, Belkyra is a definitive system for eliminating neck fat. All these advantages make it an excellent aesthetic medicine treatment.

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