Facial Rejuvenation in Ibiza


One of aesthetic medicine treatments’ main objectives is to slow down signs of facial ageing. From a certain age onwards, the effects of the passage of time become evident on the face. Age spots and wrinkles and loss of volume elasticity in the skin can be alleviated and even reversed thanks to various facial rejuvenation techniques. At Eiviestetic, we have the most advanced facial aesthetic treatments and the best professionals to make your face look radiant.



Microdermabrasion or facial rejuvenation is a peel that removes dead skin cells by applying aluminium crystals, giving the skin a rejuvenated appearance. It also stimulates natural skin renewal and regenerates the dermis. It is a facial aesthetic medicine treatment that is safe for all skin types and can be performed at any age.


Facial mesotherapy

Facial mesotherapy is a treatment that involves applying very superficial microinjections. It is a simple, inexpensive and very safe method of facial rejuvenation, dramatically improving skin quality. The most common substances are vitamins, hyaluronic acid, amino acids, antioxidants, trace elements or organic silicon.


Calcium hydroxyapatite

It is a facial filler based on biocompatible microparticles that stimulate the production of new collagen in the face. It is mainly used to correct volume loss in areas such as the cheekbones or nose or to redefine the oval. Its results are immediate and last up to 2 years.


Facial fillers

Also known as fillers, facial fillers are one of the best rejuvenation treatments available. They help replenish the volume lost over the years and redistribute facial fat. With this, we attenuate and even eliminate wrinkles and expression marks, improve facial contours and redensify the skin to give it firmness, smoothness and softness. It is a very versatile, non-invasive and very safe treatment.



Tension threads have acquired the nickname "magic threads" due to their proven effectiveness. Its application is straightforward and safe and allows the cells to be activated, creating a support tissue and favouring the production of fibroblasts and new collagen. They have become one of the most popular facial treatments because they achieve incredible results instantly and in just one session without surgery.


expression lines treatment

Facial aesthetic treatment to counteract the effects of ageing. For this reason, it is one of the most commonly used to treat wrinkles and expression marks. It acts as a muscle relaxant to help us reduce dynamic wrinkles, i.e., those formed by our daily gestures and expressions.


Facial Laser

The use of facial lasers helps to attenuate the effects of skin ageing by smoothing the skin. The laser brings more homogeneity and firmness to the face, closing pores, attenuating expression lines and wrinkles, fading and eliminating blemishes, and providing luminosity to the skin.


Non-invasive minilifting

The non-invasive mini facelift regenerates lost volume in the dermis and increases its elasticity. It is one of the most popular facial treatments known for its high efficacy. It is used to alleviate the first signs of ageing. It is a straightforward and quick process that only requires local anaesthesia. It is, therefore, a much less invasive technique than the traditional facelift, with immediate and long-lasting results and a straightforward recovery process that does not require hospitalisation.



Bioplasty, or liquid facelift, is a novel facial rejuvenation technique. It consists of making implants in certain areas of the face to fill, lift, define or modify volumes and features. The implants are made of bio-materials that do not cause allergic reactions or rejection and do not require surgery, making it a minimally invasive technique. In addition, the implants are placed deeply using painless micro-injections. As it is performed under the muscles and not at the tissue level, the muscles shape the new appearance of the face, achieving a very natural result.



Facial flaccidity is the loss of firmness in the face. It is caused by decreased fibres such as collagen, responsible for the skin’s strength, and elastin, which gives it elasticity. This skin ageing process causes sagging and wrinkles on the face. Repeated exposure to the sun, smoking, poor diet, drugs, a sedentary lifestyle or sudden weight loss are some of the most common causes of collagen and elastin destruction. Fortunately, several cosmetic treatments for the face can address sagging skin.

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